Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Getting Ready to Go

Spent a busy day getting all the last minute details finished. Tubs all packed and weighed; filled with newly printed books, t-shirts of hearts and lungs, certificates, blank paper, suturing material, Resusci Annes, catheters, some miscellaneous clothes, shampoo, contact lens solution, razor and shaving cream, etc. Hopefully, we will be able to check these 49 pounders all the way through to Udan Thani. Flight leaves at 6 am. Our friend and Disty's running partner, MJ, picks us up at 4:15. Stay tuned; with 24 hours in the air, there will be time to reconstruct the events of the last few months.

1 comment:

  1. I am living vicariously through this extraordinary experience you will all be having, together. You are a very inspiring and loving family. Annie Gray
